
  • “Life” in Other Words

    The word life has many meanings and uses. Too many, perhaps. The four-letter word can refer to (1) the duration of an individual’s existence, as in life-span, lifetime. It can mean (2) daily experiences, as in quality of life, making life easier.… Continue reading

  • Is DNA Alive?

    Is DNA alive? No, it’s not alive…mostly. The only sense in which a DNA molecule is a living thing is that it makes copies of itself, although it can’t even do that on its own. Otherwise, DNA fails all the… Continue reading

  • Five Things I Expect My Core Belief To Do For Me

    I want a core belief that does the following things for me. It should help me feel a little less terrified of death. It should point me towards a meaningful purpose in living. It should clarify the foundations of right… Continue reading

  • “Life is….”

    Is life fragile? Or is it tough, persistent?  And in such phrases, what do we mean by the word life ? People like to offer each other such phrases as “life is fragile” and “life is fleeting,” often after watching news… Continue reading

    “Life is….”